Biggest happy news of the week is that walking all three dogs at the same time is going swimmingly well! Of course I walk the rowdies(Bugsy and Comet) for 40 minutes first, then swing back to the house leash up Captain and off we go for another 15-20 minutes all 4 of us! I think this is helping Bugsy and Captain bond, and it has me on cloud nine with all 3 of my boys prancing along happy as can be. :)
Can you see the injured camouflage bird? |
Last night I met a friend at an outdoor ice cream parlor and Captain came along. I parked a block from the ice cream parlor (Can you believe this? Visiting an outdoor ice cream parlor in Iowa in March! This is crazy! If you are not familiar with March in Iowa, it is usually snowing ) so we could enjoy a little walk on the way. Captain eagerly sniffed every little thing along the way. Once we arrived at the parlor, Captain stole the show! One woman recognized him as a pekingese and immediately asked to pet him. While in line for ice cream a small child sneaked up behind me and pet Captain while his dad ran over "Hey! You can't go around petting strange dogs!"The dad said to his son. Captain just soaked up the love from the little boy. "Luckily, he is very friendly." I smiled and said to the dad. Then when we settled down to chat (my friend and I) Captain hopped onto a bench and made eyes at an older couple sitting a few feet away. Before you know it the couple was complimenting him, and "Excuse me, but could we please give your dog some ice cream? He's just so sweet. What a good dog." I declined to let her give him any ice cream, but handed her a dog treat instead. Captain took it from her gently and I'm very sure if I hadn't been watching the woman would have sneaked him some ice cream. Oh Captain, you really have a way with the ladies!
While we ate ice cream Captain did bark a few times at passing dogs. But was easily distracted by a showing him I had a treat and asking him to "sit" or "watch" then rewarding him.
I recently received a short video of an old foster dog, Frida (a gorgeous cattle dog who has been pictured in the blog before) rock climbing with her person. Yes, rock climbing. Sometimes, a dog is adopted into just the perfect home and can achieve true greatness and enjoyment in life. I wish I could share the video but I can't seem to get it. A rock climbing dog, amazing! Frida is a dog who I look back and think, oh geez I should of kept that one,......but then she would have never learned to rock climb.
A cause worth a pause
Red Rover rescues animals, educates children, trains volunteers and provides funding for animals in crisis. Who can come to the rescue when tens or hundreds of animals are seized or displaced? Red Rover can. Check out the website, watch the video......Maybe you could be a volunteer????
A photo from last year. Comet and I meet a snake while hiking. |
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