
A blog about my life with dogs.......

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving feast

O what a busy week it has been!

For Thanksgiving this year I went on tour. Spent the morning picking and washing greens for our Thanksgiving contribution of salad. We also brought home-made jalapeno and watermelon jellies,  kale and bacon saute, and a chickpea chocolate cake(the later 2 of which are some of Craigs specialties!). Thanksgiving feast at noon with my family on the farm. Thanksgiving fun with Bugsy and Comet at the dog park, followed by a Thanksgiving hike at Palisades Park, then Thanksgiving Dinner with Craig and his family! Good thing we hiked to work off the lunch and make room for dinner!

Dog lovers know, a tired dog is a good dog and at the dog park on Thanksgiving I saw more people and dogs than ever before! Good people! Proactive dog owners know that when company is coming, or you are planning to be out most of the day, tiring your dog out first is a great way to set you and your dog up for success.

Here at home I shared the Thanksgiving theme by feeding the dogs extra special meals.

 For breakfast I made the dogs (and cats) scrambled eggs. I mixed in some egg shell, dried kale and parsley into the eggs and served it over ground turkey with steamed carrots and baked potatoes. They loved it.

The next Thanksgiving meal was a very meaty bone. I bought a set of three from the meat section of the grocery store. They were being sold as soup bones and had plenty of meat on them. The dogs ripped off the meat and then spent some chew time getting the marrow from the bones.
lucky dog!

Remember! Feeding leftovers to your dog is fine sometimes, but beware of over feeding junk food to your dogs which can cause them to become overweight and/or develop health problems. Also cooked bones (like whats leftover from the turkey) can be harmful to dogs. The cooked bones can splinter and cause internal damage. This Thanksgiving my family thought of me when preparing the turkey and set the gizzards and neck aside for me! Uncooked of course. (THANKS MOM!) Soon those raw pieces of meat will become dog food as well.

Other Thanksgiving do's and don'ts
-Canned or fresh baked plain pumpkin makes a tasty doggy treat!
-Avoid feeding your dog spicy things which could cause stomach upset.
-Avoid feeding your dog bits of things like green bean casserole which contains onions. Onions, like chocolate, can be toxic to dogs.
-Keep kitchen counters clear of leftovers. Store non-refrigerated leftovers in the microwave, a bread box, or in a cupboard and away from nose following counter surfers.

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